Senin, 03 Desember 2018

cara flash xiaomi mi5s via fastboot mode

  Unknown       Senin, 03 Desember 2018

Cara Flash Xiaomi Mi 5s ROM Global Stable

sahabat vivocell

Bahan yang dibutuhkan Flash ROM Xiaomi Mi 5s via Fastboot menggunakan Mi Flash:
  • Download file ROM fastboot 
  • Download MIFlash tool
  • Download adb fastboot driver
  • MIUI Deep Flash Engineering (Kabel EDL)

Cara Flash ROM Xiaomi Mi 5s ke Global:

Matikan Xiaomi Mi 5s

Hubungkan atau tempelkan kabel EDL hijau dan hitam (harus benar-benar nempel) tanpa melepasnya lalu colokan dengan Mi 5s yang mau di flash, kurang lebih 5 detik lalu lepas kabel EDL hijau dan hitam yang tadi ditempelkan.

Buka Xiaomi Mi Flash beta

Klik select dan arahkan ke folder ROM Xiaomi Mi 5s Global yang sudah di extract. Kemudian pilih Ok ( cek gambar dibawah)


How to Flash Xiaomi Mi 5s ROM to Global:

Turn off the Xiaomi Mi 5s

Connect or attach the EDL cable green and black (must be completely stuck) without removing it and then plug it in with the Mi 5s that you want to flash, approximately 5 seconds and then remove the green and black EDL cable that was pasted.

Open Xiaomi Mi Flash beta

Click select and navigate to the Xiaomi Mi 5s ROM folder that has been extracted. Then select Ok (check the picture below)

Untuk memulai flashing klik flash pada Xiaomi Mi flash beta posisinya ada di pojok atas kanan. Ingat selama proses flashing sedang berjalan tidak diperkenankan memutuskan sambungan antara handphone yang diflash dengan komputer, terkecuali ada keterangan gagal.

To start flashing click the flash on the Xiaomi Mi flash beta, its position is in the upper right corner. Remember that while the flashing process is running it is not permissible to disconnect the connection between the flashed handphone and the computer, unless there is a failed statement.

Tekan power sampai terasa bergetar untuk menyalakannya.
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How to Flash Xiaomi Mi 5s ROM to Global:

Turn off the Xiaomi Mi 5s

Connect or attach the EDL cable green and black (must be completely stuck) without removing it and then plug it in with the Mi 5s that you want to flash, approximately 5 seconds and then remove the green and black EDL cable that was pasted.
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Open Xiaomi Mi Flash beta


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